Alleviate Muscle Strain With Chiropractic Care

Alleviate Muscle Strain with Our Chiropractor Independence, MO

Muscle strain from an injury, sore muscles from overuse or a chronic condition or muscles that are simply tight are all alleviated through chiropractic care at Rickman Chiropractic. Our chiropractor, Dr. Steven Rickman, welcomes the opportunity to speak with you about your muscular concerns. He examines your symptoms, conditions, and injuries and then determines which chiropractic services are most beneficial for your healing.

If you are struggling with limited mobility due to muscular strain or are unable to participate in physical activities, we encourage you to speak with Dr. Rickman regarding our holistic healing approach. While our chiropractor provides services at our location, he also shows you how to improve your discomfort while you are at home. These techniques improve your current condition and also help to eliminate sore muscles in the future.

Contact Us for Natural Relief of Sore Muscles

Visit our chiropractor Independence MO residents when you are in need of natural relief for your sore muscles. If you are experiencing muscle strain from a sudden injury or from overuse, we have healing techniques that begin to work immediately at reducing your pain. For conditions such as fibromyalgia in which muscle pain is a daily feeling, Dr. Rickman gently reduces your pain and shows you ways to stay pain-free. Some of our healing techniques for conditions associated with muscles include:

  • Chiropractic adjustments to position your spine and joints in a way that allows muscles to stay balanced and flexible.
  • Lifestyle changes to show you how to avoid overstraining muscles. We also show you how to keep muscles in balances to avoid muscle tightness and inflexibility.
  • Corrective exercises that stretch your tight muscles and increase your range of motion. Other exercises are designed to strengthen muscles and reduces the chances of muscular strain.
  • Electrical muscle stimulation to promote healing deep within the muscle tissue when you are recovering from injury.

At Rickman Chiropractic, we use a holistic approach to reducing muscular tightness and strain. This way, you do not experience unwanted side effects from medications or invasive treatments. Instead, your body improves as a unit and muscular tightness and strain are things of the past. To schedule your consultation, please call us today at (816) 350-0020.

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