Acupuncture at Rickman Chiropractic
Are you suffering from chronic pain or restricted range of motion? Acupuncture is an ancient practiced used to address a range of conditions at Rickman Chiropractic. Our chiropractor in Independence MO, Dr. Steven Rickman, can help you learn more about acupuncture, both with the use of needles and without, and how it can naturally stimulate healing and address discomfort.
Do you want a holistic way to address acute and chronic conditions in the body and rebalance vital energies?
Our specialists can help you understand how acupuncture may alleviate your symptoms without pain medications. Learn more about acupuncture services at Rickman Chiropractic today.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a type of therapy incorporated within Oriental Medicine. Complimentary services often used with acupuncture include specific exercises, physical therapy, and herbology. Acupuncture is a practice based on Eastern philosophies and is incorporated within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
In TCM, there are 12 meridians along the body with points, then when stimulated, can improve the energetic balance of important organs and functions of the body. While acupuncture with needs involves the use of very fine sterile needles, needless acupuncture may rely upon magnets, electricity, and laser to engage one or more acupoints.
What Can Patients Expect?
An initial acupuncture session includes an initial assessment and discussion, followed by an initial treatment with or without needles. Stimulation of acupoints may occur on various areas of the body, including the ears and feet. Unfamiliar feelings may be triggered during a session. These feelings generally disappear after a treatment session.
Who Can Benefit from Acupuncture?
Traditional uses of acupuncture have addressed a range of issues in patients, including anxiety, depression, infertility, chronic pain and more. Western medicine has shown support for the use of acupuncture in a number of conditions, even though more research is needed to corroborate the findings and history of practice from Eastern practitioners. Western studies indicate acupuncture may benefit those with:
- Headaches
- Neck and back pain
- Chronic pain
- Osteoarthritis/knee pain
Acupuncture with needles and without can be performed on children, teens, and adults. Consult with our chiropractor to learn more about acupuncture and whether or not acupuncture may be used to address specific conditions.
Two Types of Acupuncture at Our Independence, MO Practice
Residents of Independence, Blue Springs, and Lee’s Summit can receive acupuncture and needle-less acupuncture at Rickman Chiropractic. Both forms of this therapy are known to reduce pain and improve overall health and have been used effectively to treat a range of conditions for thousands of years. Enjoy optimal health with acupuncture and related services, including chiropractic care, corrective exercises, and a customized weight loss program.
Call Rickman Chiropractic Today!
Receive a tailored solution for your specific health needs at Rickman Chiropractic. Our chiropractor, Steven Rickman, and the team are dedicated to addressing the root cause of your condition with their holistic approach to wellness. Contact Rickman Chiropractic at (816) 350-0020 to learn more about how acupuncture may benefit you today.